Monday, November 30, 2015


There has been a lot of talk about the terrorist attack in Paris and Syrian refugee. Many Americans do not want to open our door to the Syrian refugee; they fear that the same thing will happen on American soil. There are many posts on social media about this subject. Texas' governor, Greg Abbott, along with dozen other states governor already refuse to accept the Syrian refugee even though the Fed already warn that the states do not have the power to refuse the refugee.

I understand why many Americans do not want to accept refugee, but  I have to disagree with that. When did America only think of America?! When did the citizen of America only think of ourselves? America has never been a selfish nation. We always step in to help other nations when needed. In World War 1 and 2, even though we didn't want to step in and get sucks in the war, we still did. We help our neighbors. In the Vietnam War, we stepped in and made it worse when we suddenly pulled back, but Vietnam would have been in a much worse situation if America didn't step in and help. America also accepted thousands and thousands of Vietnamese refugees running from their ruined homeland. We did not know if there were people that pretend to be a Vietnamese refugee to come to America and take revenge, or to bomb America. America accept them all with open arm because it's the humane thing to do.

We have drifted so far from thinking of what is the humane and right thing. When did we become so afraid that we close our door to everyone and only think of us? No one wants what happen in Paris to happen here, but is closing our door to the Syrian refugee going to change any of that? We have at least one mass shooting here in America by an American every week, right in our back yard, and no one is doing a thing to stop that, or make a big deal on social media. If someone speak out and say how they feel, they get attack by those that love the Second Amendment. You know what, we locked our door at night to protect the people inside, but not from foreigners that try to escape the ruined of their country (that caused by America, in a way), but we lock our door to protect us from the people right in our backyard. They only want to find peace after suffering so much.


  1. "DENIAL!!" I strongly agree with my classmate, Rachel, because refugees of any country are fleeing from a really bad situation to protect their children and their families, to a safe haven away from trouble in their countries. They are forced to leave all their belongings behind to a safer place to continue with their lives. The Syrian people are well educated and crafty; they can support themselves and the local economy very quickly, without having to stay dependent on government help for long. Usually the American government uses extensive screening of those allowed into the country. The word refugee means humanitarian case not terrorism .Those who are seeking other countries other than theirs are the poor and destroyed people by ISIS’s TORTURE. Syrian people are suffering and in need of support from a generous countries like USA. After all, almost every American is a migrant, as these refugees would be. I fully agree with my classmate that supports Syrian refugee to be allowed in Texas, so they can start a better life in USA. Let’s welcome these people who will now be able to aspire to the American Dream. Let’s treat them with hospitality and kindness, and help them to become proud and productive citizens. In a word, every one of us should welcome these people who have had enough war and suffering so they can be safe, and their children will be able to thrive here in Texas.

  2. In her recent Tx a State of Mind blog post “Denial,” Rachel Doan discusses the recent Paris attacks and how Greg Abbot plans to deny Syrian refugees entrance into Texas. The author believes that Texas should grant asylum to Syrian Refugees. Without a doubt, I agree with Doan’s thoughts on allowing Syrians refuges into America.
    The most powerful logical argument Doan makes is comparing Syrian Refugees with Vietnamese Refugees. She notes that in the Vietnam War, America welcomed thousands of Vietnamese refugees without believing that any of them would take revenge in America. She compares how in present day society, Americans cannot stand the idea of having a potential terrorist within the Syrian Refugees. People who oppose taking refugees in do not understand the feeling of fleeing their homes because of terror and are trying to find safe haven. I am fully aware of this because my parents were actually Vietnamese Refugees. They had no intent to wreak havoc across America and neither did the other thousands of Vietnamese refugees that made the journey to America. In my perspective, Doan’s logic appeals to me because I can relate to the struggles that these Syrian refugees have.
    Doan’s intended audience is to reach out to those who want to deny Syrians asylum. Her second argument raises awareness on how self-centered Americans have been since the Paris attacks. Phrases such as “we locked our door at night to protect the people inside, but not from the foreigners that try to escape the ruined of their country” or “They only want to find peace after suffering from so much” are meant to guilt the intended audience. Guilt is an effective emotional appeal because Doan makes her audience empathizes the hardships the Syrian Refugees experienced while these people escaped their war torn homes.
    Altogether, Doan’s logical appeal and emotional appeal made an effective and credible argument to oppose Greg Abbot’s intentions of denying asylum to Syrian Refuges.

  3. I agree with the article titled "Denial" by my colleague Rachael Doan, she gives out very good examples on how we have helped other civilians before. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott along with others have no right to stop America from helping those in need. In no way should we allow terrorist to frighten us and prevent us from helping Syrian refugees.
    Her statement about the world wars is a very good statement. For example in world war 2 did we let the Nazi Germans control our decisions? As soon as Japan their ally attacked us we declared war. France has been our ally for a long time but this does not mean we should blame a whole group of people for what others do. We did the same mistake in World War 2 we locked up our fellow citizens, just because they had Japanese ancestry. So in no way should we blame Syrian refugees for the Paris attacks and prevent them from having a better life.
    We as Texans have always considered our selves better then all of the states because we have a much bigger history and heritage. By Gov. Greg Abbott closing the doors for these people in need, he shows just the opposite of what we as Texans see ourselves as. If we look at the quote on the statue of liberty it says, " Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp besides the golden door." That is what Syrian refugees are striving for, freedom and thats what Texas as well as the whole country stand for.
