Sunday, November 15, 2015

Commentary on Colleague

I have to agree with my colleague Javier Sandoval. In his blog, Don't Mess With Citizens, he criticized Texas officials denying a birth certificate to children born to illegal immigrants. By denying a birth certificate, we're going against the US Constitution, which promised citizenship to anyone that born on USA lands. 

There are a few minor things that Texas officials might have forgotten. We can't make laws that are denying someone right(s) that is against the Constitutions. Another thing is if we deny someone birth- certificate, they can't go to school and get the education they need. If someone can't get their education, they can't be successful in life and will become a burden to society. By denying a birth certificate to someone, you are also denying other public services that could help them. 

It is not the children fault that their parents decide to come here illegally and give birth. Their parents decided to do what they did. It is not the children fault that they were born in US land illegally. They do not have a choice. We shouldn't punish the children for what the parents did, besides they only want what is best for their children. Any parents would want the best for their children, and the US is the land of opportunity, so why do we deny people of their birth rights. 

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