Monday, October 5, 2015


In the wake of the most recent shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, our country have to face the problem we all tired of hearing every day, guns control. Base on the article, " More guns on campus will not make us safer", from Austin American- Statesman, all of the mass shooting happen in America all have a pattern to it. It's always a mentally unstable person with access to guns, have some problem with religious, race, etc. That person alway chose places that guarantee to have many people in one place like schools, movie theater, colleges, malls or churches. The shooter killed at least three peoples, and many are injured before he killed himself or a police. But before he got kill, there's always that one person who used their body as a shield to let others escaped. The nation grieve; people pray, there were sadness, anger, and outrage. It's a vicious cycle that we're in. How many people have to die, how many families have to mourn the death of their loves ones before the government will do something. When will we the People do something? I'm not saying I agree or disagree with no gun laws. But we do need to do something, so this won't happen again. Allowing guns on campus can be bad and good. College students are mentally and emotionally unstable. Allowing guns on campus can help students protect themselves when this happen again, or protect them from other incidents. But, it can be very bad also. Instead of one person go on a rampage, we will have every college students go on a rampage at the same time. We need to have stricter laws for gun control, or we will be living every day scare.

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