Sunday, September 20, 2015

No Water

If someone tell me that we still have people living in third world condition in one of the First World nation, and here in Texas, I will think they're joking. Unfortunately, that is the case, people that live along the bother of Texas and Mexico are living in third world condition. Base on an article from Texas Tribune, "Undrinkable", stated that there are still many Texan and immigrant from Mexico living in these towns with no access to clean or drinkable water. These cities/ towns include Vinton, Las Pampas, Rio Bravo/ El Cenizo, and Rio Grande City. People live in these cities have no water treatment plants or one that runs well. These towns do not have the finance to upkeep the treatment plants and relieve money from the government to improve water in these cities is drying up. The state government haven't made any real effort to improve this issue since 1989 and the national government since the early 1990s. Many people continue living in this condition without complaints because they're scared about bringing the issue to light will bring attention to their citizen status, and most of them is Hispanic and can't speak English well.